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Vitrol Name: Aconite
Original Designer: Shadows_Distorted
Reference Artist: Shadows_Distorted
Current Owner: Wulfenite
Co-Owner: None
Pronouns: N/A
Height: ?'?
Length: ?'?
Wingspan: ?'?
Breed Requests: N/A
Alt. Profile: N/A
Last Bred: N/A
Times Bred: 0
Clutch Partners: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Obtain Method: Gift
Creation Date: September 17, 2020
Parent 1: None
Parent 2: None
Generation: G1
-Standard Eyes (Common)
-Standard Pupils (Common)
-Dewlap (Common)
-Standard Wings (Common)
-Half-spined (Common)
-Finned (Rare)
-Sail (Legendary)
-Standard Tail (Common)
-Gecko Claws (Rare)
-Water Magic (Rare)
-Webbed Claws (Uncommon)
-Glow (Legendary)
Item Log:
Owner Log:
-Skarath - Wulfenite (January 11, 2021)