
From World of Icarusian
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Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
H1 Standard Head
Head Common Cactus-Kaiju A commonly seen shape. Somewhat square, yet rounded.
H2 Fish Head
Head Common Axy TBD
H3 Round Head
Head Common Wulfenite TBD
H4 Shark Head Head Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
H5 Long Head Head Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
H6 Bird Head Head Uncommon Wulfenite TBD
H7 Cani Head Head Uncommon L TBD
H8 Feli Head Head Uncommon L TBD
H9 Frog Head Head Uncommon L TBD
H10 Draconic Head Head Uncommon L TBD
H12 Upturned Head Head Rare Wulfenite TBD
H13 Gator Head Head Rare Axy TBD
H14 Melon Head Head Rare AluneTune Inside of mouth usually has seed-shaped markings. Not real seeds, but this is a melon head.

Can have different melon shapes or patterns. Furless head trait.

H15 Blocky Head Head Rare Cactus-Kaiju TBD
H16 Hognose Head Head Rare L TBD
H17 Crested Head Head Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
H18 Iguanodon Head Head Rare Howlite-Coreshard TBD
H19 Spino Head Head Rare Howlite-Coreshard TBD
H20 Bat Head Head Rare L TBD
H21 Owl Head Head Rare L TBD
H23 Hookjaw Head Head Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
H24 Beetle Head Head Rare Jragon-Teeth A head that can be shaped after any beetle, such as a Hercules or stag beetle.
H25 Worm Head Head Rare dragonlover1089 TBD
H26 Jar Head Head Mythical AluneTune A head made out of glass, which can be any type and transparency, and can contain liquid.

This head trait has no fur, and can be damaged or cracked under severe force.

H27 Thunderspike Head Head Mythical Axy TBD
H28 Goo Head Head Mythical Jragon-Teeth TBD
H29 Agama Head Head Mythical Skraptor TBD
H30 Pumpkin Head Head Event - H AluneTune Inside of the mouth usually glows. A furless head trait, and not fragile.
H31 Mandible Head Head Event - H Wulfenite TBD
H32 Raven Head Head Event - H Axy TBD
H33 Pinecone Head Head Event - C Jragon-Teeth TBD
H34 Spider Head Head Event - H Jragon-Teeth TBD
H35 Helicoprion Head Head Event - H Skraptor Dragons with this head trait are capable of sucking in their lower jaw.
H36 Mimic Head Head Event - H Wulfenite TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
C1 Classic Crest Crest Common Cactus-Kaiju TBD
C2 Notched Crest Crest Common Jragon-Teeth TBD
C3 Uneven Crest Crest Common Jragon-Teeth TBD
C4 Nubs Crest Crest Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
C5 Frilled Crest Crest Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C6 Leaf Crest Crest Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C7 Laced Crest Crest Uncommon AxyBrightclaw TBD
C8 Ribbon Crest Crest Uncommon AxyBrightclaw TBD
C9 Antler Crest Crest Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C10 Dragon Crest Crest Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C11 Goo Crest Crest Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
C12 Petal Crest Crest Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
C13 Devil Crest Crest Uncommon Jragon-Teeth TBD
C14 Feather Crest Crest Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C15 Plated Crest Crest Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C16 Succulent Crest Crest Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C17 Shark Crest Crest Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C18 Tendril Crest Crest Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C19 Seaflower Crest Crest Rare AxyBrightclaw TBD
C20 Icicle Crest Crest Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C21 Axolotl Crest Crest Rare Cactus-Kaiju TBD
C22 Long Crest Crest Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
C23 Tiny Crest Crest Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
C24 Spiky Crest Crest Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
C25 Crown Crest Crest Rare AxyBrightclaw TBD
C26 Cobra Crest Crest Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C27 Phoenix Crest Crest Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C28 Para Crest Crest Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
C29 Maned Crest Crest Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C30 Soulflower Crest Crest Mythical AxyBrightclaw TBD
C31 Peacock Crest Crest Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C32 Gem Crest Crest Mythical Jragon-Teeth TBD
C33 No Crest Crest Mythical Jragon-Teeth TBD
C34 Medusa Crest Crest Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C35 Candycane Crest Crest Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C36 Heart Crest Crest Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD
C37 Spider Crest Crest Event Jragon-Teeth TBD
C38 Snowflake Crest Crest Event Jragon-Teeth TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
E1 Two Eyes Eye Common Cactus-Kaiju TBD
E2 Three Eyes Eye Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
E3 One Kitten Ear Eye Eye Uncommon AluneTune TBD
E4 Two Kitten Ear Eyes Eye Uncommon AluneTune TBD
E5 Three Kitten Ear Eyes Eye Uncommon AluneTune TBD
E6 One Box Eye Eye Uncommon AluneTune TBD
E7 Two Box Eyes Eye Uncommon AluneTune TBD
E8 Three Box Eyes Eye Uncommon AluneTune TBD
E9 One Sharp Eye Eye Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
E10 Two Sharp Eyes Eye Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
E11 Three Sharp Eyes Eye Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
E12 Half-Star Eyes Eye Rare AluneTune TBD
E13 One Eye Eye Rare Cactus-Kaiju TBD
E14 One Lashed Eye Eye Rare AluneTune TBD
E15 Two Lashed Eyes Eye Rare AluneTune TBD
E16 Three Lashed Eyes Eye Rare AluneTune TBD
E17 One Vertical Eye Eye Rare AxyBrightclaw TBD
E18 Two Vertical Eyes Eye Rare AxyBrightclaw TBD
E19 Three Vertical Eyes Eye Rare AxyBrightclaw TBD
E20 One Diamond Eye Eye Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
E21 Two Diamond Eyes Eye Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
E22 Three Diamond Eyes Eye Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
E23 No Eyes Eye Mythical Cactus-Kaiju The dragon has no eyes on its head.

Incompatible with all eye/pupil traits, and eye mutations. Compatible with Body Eyes and Eye Wings.

E24 Central Eye Eye Mythical ObsinBrightclaw A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.

Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes.

E25 Central Kitten Ear Eye Eye Mythical ObsinBrightclaw A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.

Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes.

E26 Central Box Eye Eye Mythical ObsinBrightclaw A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.

Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes.

E27 Central Sharp Eye Eye Mythical ObsinBrightclaw A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.

Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes.

E28 Central Lashed Eye Eye Mythical ObsinBrightclaw A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.

Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes.

E29 Central Horizontal Eye Eye Mythical ObsinBrightclaw A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.

Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes.

E30 Central Diamond Eye Eye Mythical ObsinBrightclaw A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.

Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes.

E31 Spider Eyes Eye Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD
E32 One Button Eye Eye Event AluneTune TBD
E33 Two Button Eyes Eye Event AluneTune TBD
E34 Triangle Eyes Eye Event AxyBrightclaw TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
P1 Classic Pupils Pupil Common Cactus-Kaiju TBD
P2 No Pupils Pupil Common ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P3 Slit Pupils Pupil Common ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P4 Goo Pupils Pupil Uncommon AluneTune TBD
P5 Frog Pupils Pupil Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P6 Shape Pupils Pupil Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P7 Ringed Pupils Pupil Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P8 Heartbreak Pupils Pupil Rare AluneTune TBD
P9 Plus Pupils Pupil Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P10 Seafoam Pupils Pupil Rare Howlite TBD
P11 Mosaic Pupils Pupil Rare Howlite TBD
P12 Compound Pupils Pupil Rare Howlite TBD
P13 Polycoria Pupils Pupil Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P14 Button Pupils Pupil Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P15 Googly Pupils Pupil Rare Oxymoronn TBD
P16 Phantom Pupils Pupil Rare Howlite TBD
P17 Galaxy Pupils Pupil Mythical AluneTune TBD
P18 Empty Pupils Pupil Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P19 Static Pupils Pupil Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P20 Checker Pupils Pupil Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P21 Glitch Pupils Pupil Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P22 Bloodshot Pupils Pupil Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD
P23 Liquid Pupils Pupil Event Oxymoronn TBD
P24 Swirly Pupils Pupil Event Oxymoronn TBD
P25 Leaf Pupils Pupil Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
To1 Forked Tongue Tongue Common Cactus-Kaiju TBD
To2 Simple Tongue Tongue Common AxyBrightclaw TBD
To3 Smooth Tongue Tongue Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
To4 Plant Tongue Tongue Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
To5 Gilded Tongue Tongue Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
To6 Gap Tongue Tongue Uncommon Skarath TBD
To7 Frog Tongue Tongue Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
To8 Serrated Tongue Tongue Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
To9 Snake Tongue Tongue Rare AxyBrightclaw TBD
To10 Split Tongue Tongue Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
To11 Engorged Tongue Tongue Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
To12 Double Tongue Tongue Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
To13 Quad-Fork Tongue Tongue Mythical AxyBrightclaw TBD
To14 Arrow Tongue Tongue Mythical AxyBrightclaw TBD
To15 Sundew Tongue Tongue Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
To16 Long Tongue Tongue Mythical Cactus-Kaiju TBD
To17 Snatcher Tongue Tongue Event AxyBrightclaw TBD
To18 Eye Tongue Tongue Event Skarath TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
H1 Average Horns Horns Common Cactus-Kaiju TBD
H2 Ram Horns Horns Common ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H3 Medium Horns Horns Uncommon Cactus-Kaiju TBD
H4 Gilded Horns Horns Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H5 Curving Horns Horns Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H6 Trio Horns Horns Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H7 Triceratops Horns Horns Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H8 Devil Horns Horns Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H9 Dragon Horns Horns Uncommon Jragon-Teeth TBD
H10 Steampunk Horns Horns Uncommon Pocket TBD
H12 Rhino Horn Horns Uncommon Howlite TBD
H13 Snail Horns Horns Uncommon Howlite TBD
H14 Loop Horns Horns Uncommon ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H16 Moth Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H17 Crown Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H18 Icecrown Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H19 Antler Horns Horns Rare BillySketch TBD
H20 Dual Horns Horns Rare Cactus-Kaiju TBD
H21 Spiky Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H22 Fishtail Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H23 Mushroom Horns Horns Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
H24 Bull Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H25 Twisting Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H26 Sprout Horns Horns Rare Skarath TBD
H27 Long Horns Horns Rare Jragon-Teeth TBD
H28 War Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H29 Entwined Horns Horns Rare Howlite TBD
H30 No Horns Horns Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H31 Unicorn Horn Horns Mythical Cactus-Kaiju TBD
H32 Barbed Horns Horns Mythical ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H33 Qilin Horns Horns Mythical Howlite TBD
H34 Oni Horns Horns Mythical Howlite TBD
H35 Tendril Horns Horns Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H36 Petal Horns Horns Event ObsinBrightclaw TBD
H37 Bat Horns Horns Event Jragon-Teeth TBD
H38 Candycane Horns Horns Event Jragon-Teeth TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
B1 Bubble Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B2 Leaf Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B3 Gemstone Boba 1 Boba Rar Cre TBD
B4 Berry Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B5 Insect Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B6 Gemstone Boba 2 Boba Rar Cre TBD
B7 Single-Shape Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B8 Multi-Shape Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B9 Lava Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B10 Flower Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B11 Fish Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B12 Mixed-Berry Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B13 Shroom Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B14 Plasma Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B15 Shard Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B16 Diamond Boba 1 Boba Rar Cre TBD
B17 Constellation Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B18 Shell Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B19 Soul Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B20 Galaxy Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B21 Diamond Boba 2 Boba Rar Cre TBD
B22 Glitch Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B23 Fairy Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B24 Blood Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B25 Candycorn Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B26 Round Candy Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B27 Square Candy Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B28 Snowflake Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B29 Heart Candy Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B30 Ornament Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B31 Bell Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B32 Bat Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD
B33 Eye Boba Boba Rar Cre TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
T1 Standard Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T2 Eel Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T3 Gecko Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T4 Short Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T5 Bob Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T6 Fox Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T7 Berry Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T8 Aquatic Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T9 Curled Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T10 Spiky Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T11 Whip Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T12 Grub Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T13 Axolotl Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T14 Chameleon Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T15 Fish Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T16 Sundew Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T17 Wolf Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T18 Shiba Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T19 Pig Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T20 Heart Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T21 Mushroom Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T22 Anklyo Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T23 Larva Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T24 Rat Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T25 Startip Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T26 Succulent Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T27 Jellyfish Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T28 Long Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T29 Firebug Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T30 Ocean Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T31 Bud Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T32 Comet Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T33 Pomeranian Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T34 Cascade Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T35 Flytrap Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T36 Scorpion Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T37 Lion Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T38 Horse Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T39 Chihuahua Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T40 Corkscrew Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T41 Thagomizer Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T42 Phoenix Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T43 Zebra Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T44 Rattlesnake Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T45 Wasp Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T46 Squirrel Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T47 Snake Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T48 Peacock Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T49 Aurora Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T50 Lure Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T51 Devil Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T52 Stinger Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T53 Spider Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T54 Pumpkin Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD
T55 Pine Tail Tail Rar Cre TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
W1 Wings Wings Rar Cre TBD
W2 Wings Wings Rar Cre TBD
W3 Wings Wings Rar Cre TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
Ta1 Talons Talons Rar Cre TBD
Ta2 Talons Talons Rar Cre TBD
Ta3 Talons Talons Rar Cre TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
D1 Diet Diet Rar Cre TBD
D2 Diet Diet Rar Cre TBD
D3 Diet Diet Rar Cre TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
M1 Magic Magic Rar Cre TBD
M2 Magic Magic Rar Cre TBD
M3 Magic Magic Rar Cre TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
L1 Lantern Lantern Rar Cre TBD
L2 Lantern Lantern Rar Cre TBD
L3 Lantern Lantern Rar Cre TBD

Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
Mu1 Mutation Mutation Rar Cre TBD
Mu2 Mutation Mutation Rar Cre TBD
Mu3 Mutation Mutation Rar Cre TBD

Special Traits
Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Creator Info
Sp1 - Special Cre TBD
Sp2 - Special Cre TBD
Sp3 - Special Cre TBD

Unobtainable Traits
Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Creator Info
U1 - Unobtainable Cre TBD
U2 - Unobtainable Cre TBD
U3 - Unobtainable Cre TBD

Changes to make:
-rounded head change to common
-rename feeler crest to ribbon crest
-rename dual dragon crest to horn crown crest
-change 'slug feeler eyes' to a mutation
-merge plus pupils into shape pupils
-trio horns to common, triceratops horns left as uncommon bc more specific type of shape
-merge gemstone boba traits and diamond boba traits to leave one of each
-common the single shape boba
-merge round and square candy boba
-common the curled tail
-remove pig tail, chihuahua tail is close enough
-merge zebra and lion tail
-common webbed talons
-add a seraphim/wings crest
-crystal talons moved to a mutation
-merge back and body spikes so it doesnt matter where u stick em
-merge tinsel fur mut into garland
-rename shortlight wings to forest wings

Discontinued Traits
Former Trait ID Trait Name Image Type Rarity Creator Info
Dh11 Parrot Head Head Uncommon Wulfenite *Merge with bird head
Dh22 Spikenose Head Head Rare Jragon-Teeth *Merge with hookjaw head
De35 Slug Feeler Eyes Eye Event AxyBrightclaw *Removed
Dh11 Single Rhino Horn Horns Uncommon Howlite *Merged into rhino horn
Dh12 Double Rhino Horn Horns Uncommon Howlite *Merged into rhino horn
Dh15 Insect Horns Horns Rare ObsinBrightclaw *Merged into antennae mutation
Example Example Example


Dual dragon crest - Crown crest
Broken heart pupils - Heartbreak pupils
Checkerboard pupils - Checker pupils
Glitching pupils - Glitch pupils
Quad-forked tongue - Quad-fork tongue
Grabber tongue - Snatcher tongue
Single + double rhino horns - combined into just rhino horn
Moth antennae horns - Moth horns
Bat wing horns - Bat horns
Lava lamp boba - Lava boba
Eyeball boba - Eye boba
Slug Feeler Eyes - Removed