Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
H1 | Standard Head | Head | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | A commonly seen shape. Somewhat square, yet rounded. | |
H2 | Fish Head | Head | Common | Axy | TBD | |
H3 | Rounded Head | Head | Uncommon | Wulfenite | TBD | |
H4 | Shark Head | Head | Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
H5 | Long Head | Head | Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
H6 | Bird Head | Head | Uncommon | Wulfenite | TBD | |
H7 | Cani Head | Head | Uncommon | L | TBD | |
H8 | Feli Head | Head | Uncommon | L | TBD | |
H9 | Frog Head | Head | Uncommon | L | TBD | |
H10 | Draconic Head | Head | Uncommon | L | TBD | |
H11 | Parrot Head | Head | Uncommon | Wulfenite | TBD | |
H12 | Upturned Head | Head | Rare | Wulfenite | TBD | |
H13 | Gator Head | Head | Rare | Axy | TBD | |
H14 | Melon Head | Head | Rare | AluneTune | Inside of mouth usually has seed-shaped markings. Not real seeds, but this is a melon head.
Can have different melon shapes or patterns. Furless head trait. | |
H15 | Blocky Head | Head | Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
H16 | Hognose Head | Head | Rare | L | TBD | |
H17 | Crested Head | Head | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
H18 | Iguanodon Head | Head | Rare | Howlite-Coreshard | TBD | |
H19 | Spino Head | Head | Rare | Howlite-Coreshard | TBD | |
H20 | Bat Head | Head | Rare | L | TBD | |
H21 | Owl Head | Head | Rare | L | TBD | |
H22 | Spikenose Head | Head | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
H23 | Hookjaw Head | Head | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
H24 | Beetle Head | Head | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | A head that can be shaped after any beetle, such as a Hercules or stag beetle. | |
H25 | Worm Head | Head | Rare | dragonlover1089 | TBD | |
H26 | Jar Head | Head | Mythical | AluneTune | A head made out of glass, which can be any type and transparency, and can contain liquid.
This head trait has no fur, and can be damaged or cracked under severe force. | |
H27 | Thunderspike Head | Head | Mythical | Axy | TBD | |
H28 | Goo Head | Head | Mythical | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
H29 | Agama Head | Head | Mythical | Skraptor | TBD | |
H30 | Pumpkin Head | Head | Event | AluneTune | Inside of the mouth usually glows. A furless head trait, and not fragile. | |
H31 | Mandible Head | Head | Event | Wulfenite | TBD | |
H32 | Raven Head | Head | Event | Axy | TBD | |
H33 | Pinecone Head | Head | Event | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
H34 | Spider Head | Head | Event | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
H35 | Helicoprion Head | Head | Event | Skraptor | Dragons with this head trait are capable of sucking in their lower jaw. | |
H36 | Mimic Head | Head | Event | Wulfenite | TBD |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
C1 | Classic Crest | Crest | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
C2 | Notched Crest | Crest | Common | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C3 | Uneven Crest | Crest | Common | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C4 | Nubs Crest | Crest | Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
C5 | Frilled Crest | Crest | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C6 | Leaf Crest | Crest | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C7 | Laced Crest | Crest | Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
C8 | Ribbon Crest | Crest | Uncommon | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
C9 | Antler Crest | Crest | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C10 | Dragon Crest | Crest | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C11 | Goo Crest | Crest | Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
C12 | Petal Crest | Crest | Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
C13 | Devil Crest | Crest | Uncommon | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C14 | Feather Crest | Crest | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C15 | Plated Crest | Crest | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C16 | Succulent Crest | Crest | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C17 | Shark Crest | Crest | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C18 | Tendril Crest | Crest | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C19 | Seaflower Crest | Crest | Rare | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
C20 | Icicle Crest | Crest | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C21 | Axolotl Crest | Crest | Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
C22 | Long Crest | Crest | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C23 | Tiny Crest | Crest | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C24 | Spiky Crest | Crest | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C25 | Crown Crest | Crest | Rare | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
C26 | Cobra Crest | Crest | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C27 | Phoenix Crest | Crest | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C28 | Para Crest | Crest | Rare | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C29 | Maned Crest | Crest | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C30 | Soulflower Crest | Crest | Mythical | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
C31 | Peacock Crest | Crest | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C32 | Gem Crest | Crest | Mythical | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C33 | No Crest | Crest | Mythical | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C34 | Medusa Crest | Crest | Event | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C35 | Candycane Crest | Crest | Event | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C36 | Heart Crest | Crest | Event | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
C37 | Spider Crest | Crest | Event | Jragon-Teeth | TBD | |
C38 | Snowflake Crest | Crest | Event | Jragon-Teeth | TBD |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
E1 | Two Eyes | Eye | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
E2 | Three Eyes | Eye | Uncommon | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
E3 | One Kitten Ear Eye | Eye | Uncommon | AluneTune | TBD | |
E4 | Two Kitten Ear Eyes | Eye | Uncommon | AluneTune | TBD | |
E5 | Three Kitten Ear Eyes | Eye | Uncommon | AluneTune | TBD | |
E6 | One Box Eye | Eye | Uncommon | AluneTune | TBD | |
E7 | Two Box Eyes | Eye | Uncommon | AluneTune | TBD | |
E8 | Three Box Eyes | Eye | Uncommon | AluneTune | TBD | |
E9 | One Sharp Eye | Eye | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
E10 | Two Sharp Eyes | Eye | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
E11 | Three Sharp Eyes | Eye | Uncommon | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
E12 | Half-Star Eyes | Eye | Rare | AluneTune | TBD | |
E13 | One Eye | Eye | Rare | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
E14 | One Lashed Eye | Eye | Rare | AluneTune | TBD | |
E15 | Two Lashed Eyes | Eye | Rare | AluneTune | TBD | |
E16 | Three Lashed Eyes | Eye | Rare | AluneTune | TBD | |
E17 | One Vertical Eye | Eye | Rare | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
E18 | Two Vertical Eyes | Eye | Rare | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
E19 | Three Vertical Eyes | Eye | Rare | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
E20 | One Diamond Eye | Eye | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
E21 | Two Diamond Eyes | Eye | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
E22 | Three Diamond Eyes | Eye | Rare | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
E23 | No Eyes | Eye | Mythical | Cactus-Kaiju | The dragon has no eyes on its head.
Incompatible with all eye/pupil traits, and eye mutations. Compatible with Body Eyes and Eye Wings. | |
E24 | Central Eye | Eye | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.
Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
E25 | Central Kitten Ear Eye | Eye | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.
Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
E26 | Central Box Eye | Eye | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.
Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
E27 | Central Sharp Eye | Eye | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.
Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
E28 | Central Lashed Eye | Eye | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.
Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
E29 | Central Horizontal Eye | Eye | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.
Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
E30 | Central Diamond Eye | Eye | Mythical | ObsinBrightclaw | A single eye placed on the dragon's forehead.
Compatible with all other eye traits besides No Eyes. | |
E31 | Spider Eyes | Eye | Event | ObsinBrightclaw | TBD | |
E32 | One Button Eye | Eye | Event | AluneTune | TBD | |
E33 | Two Button Eyes | Eye | Event | AluneTune | TBD | |
E34 | Triangle Eyes | Eye | Event | AxyBrightclaw | TBD | |
E35 | Slug Feeler Eyes | Eye | Event | AxyBrightclaw | TBM |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
P1 | Classic Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P2 | No Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P3 | Slit Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P4 | Goo Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P5 | Frog Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P6 | Shape Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P7 | Ringed Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P8 | Heartbreak Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P9 | Plus Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P10 | Seafoam Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P11 | Mosaic Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P12 | Compound Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P13 | Polycoria Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P14 | Button Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P15 | Googly Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P16 | Phantom Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P17 | Galaxy Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P18 | Empty Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P19 | Static Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P20 | Checker Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P21 | Glitch Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P22 | Bloodshot Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P23 | Liquid Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P24 | Swirly Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
P25 | Leaf Pupils | Pupil | Rar | Cre | TBD |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
To1 | Forked Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To2 | Simple Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To3 | Smooth Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To4 | Plant Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To5 | Gilded Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To6 | Gap Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To7 | Frog Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To8 | Serrated Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To9 | Snake Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To10 | Split Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To11 | Engorged Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To12 | Double Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To13 | Quad-Fork Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To14 | Arrow Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To15 | Sundew Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To16 | Long Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To17 | Snatcher Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
To18 | Eye Tongue | Tongue | Rar | Cre | TBD |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
H1 | Average Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H2 | Ram Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H3 | Medium Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H4 | Gilded Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H5 | Curving Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H6 | Trio Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H7 | Triceratops Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H8 | Devil Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H9 | Dragon Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H10 | Steampunk Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H11 | Single Rhino Horn | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H12 | Double Rhino Horn | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H13 | Snail Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H14 | Loop Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H15 | Insect Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H16 | Moth Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H17 | Crown Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H18 | Icecrown Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H19 | Antler Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H20 | Dual Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H21 | Spiky Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H22 | Fishtail Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H23 | Mushroom Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H24 | Bull Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H25 | Twisting Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H26 | Sprout Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H27 | Long Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H28 | War Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H29 | Entwined Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H30 | No Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H31 | Unicorn Horn | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H32 | Barbed Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H33 | Qilin Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H34 | Oni Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H35 | Tendril Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H36 | Petal Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H37 | Bat Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD | |
H38 | Candycane Horns | Horns | Rar | Cre | TBD |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
B1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
T1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
W1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
Ta1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
D1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
M1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
L1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
Mu1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Special Traits
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
Sp1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Unobtainable Traits
Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
U1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |
Changes to make:
-rounded head change to common
-merge bird and parrot head, owl head not merging
-rename feeler crest to ribbon crest
-rename dual dragon crest to horn crown crest
-change 'slug feeler eyes' to a mutation
-merge plus pupils into shape pupils
-trio horns to common, triceratops horns left as uncommon bc more specific type of shape
-merge gemstone boba traits and diamond boba traits to leave one of each
-common the single shape boba
-merge round and square candy boba
-common the curled tail
-remove pig tail, chihuahua tail is close enough
-merge zebra and lion tail
-common webbed talons
-add a seraphim/wings crest
-crystal talons moved to a mutation
-merge back and body spikes so it doesnt matter where u stick em
-merge tinsel fur mut into garland
-rename shortlight wings to forest wings
Discontinued Traits
Former Trait ID | Trait Name | Image | Type | Rarity | Creator | Info |
Ds1 | - | Tongue | Common | Cactus-Kaiju | TBD | |
Example | Example | Example | ||||
Example | Example | Example |