
From World of Icarusian
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Terms of Service, Rules, and Guidelines
The World of Icarusian, being a community setting based around its namesake, has its own rules! Please read through them and keep them in mind, and ask questions if anything doesn't make sense to you!

~Icarusian Boba Dragons, Galacais, Skyden, and Cicorians, are all non-profit closed species belonging to a single world. If you do not have permission from ObsinBrightclaw/Wulfenite, the species owner, you may not create one. Please read through the rules and guidelines below before joining.~

-While we cannot enforce it, we would appreciate not having off-brand designs made as it's rather rude and does break our ToS. However, on the occasion someone really wants to make one for whatever reason, the label of 'bubble-tail dragons' is usually used to differentiate from official dragons.

-To own an official WoI character, you must be a part of the discord server. This is not only for masterlist tracking reasons, but also to prevent ban-evading. Joining the server and then leaving once you have a character will likely get it voided. We don't mind if you mute the server; @/everyone pings are always disabled outside of emergencies, and you are not expected to interact or be active - this is just one of our most fundamental rules, and we would appreciate that it is followed.

-You may not turn a closed Icarusian species into another species! However, you may talk to Wulf about permission to void and redesign a WoI character; if accepted, their masterlist info up until that point will be voided and moved, and the ID number will be given away and remade.

-Do not use multiple accounts to obtain more characters! If you're caught doing this, you will face consequences. We don't mind people adding alt accounts from time to time, as long as they clarify that it's an alt.

-Do not create designs reminiscent of our species and try to sell them as such. If you want to check if a dragon is legitimate, please check our masterlist to see if it's there. If it isn't ask an admin in case it hasn't been added yet. However, please also refrain from harassing people with similarly designed characters! You may report to an admin if you suspect a scam design, but do not cause a scene - just dm one of us so that we can investigate. For anyone outside of our community that finds themselves being harassed over similar designs, please alert an admin or moderator so that we can intervene!

-This community should be a SFW, LGBTQ+ safe community! This means you may not use Icarusian characters in any manner that hints to or directly displays a phobia or hatred of a certain minority/majority, wishes harm on another person or people, or includes sexual or fetish content. Gore is alright, as long as it's appropriately tagged and spoilered.

-There are some potentially discomforting sections, kept limited to a certain role on the server, regarding cults. Gore is mainly seen in these sections. and should still be appropriately tagged and spoilered. If the topic of a cult upsets you, our setup should make coming across these channels by accident nearly impossible.

-We encourage everyone to be careful about sensitive topics such as s/h, offensive symbols, political beliefs, and certain words or images. These things can cause real discomfort, so please be mindful about your fellow members. If you are talking about something, and are asked to stop out of discomfort or trigger concerns, we request that you move your topic to dms. While venting is also fine, please be careful - the majority of people here are unlikely to be therapists, and some information could be considered as sensitive and potentially compromising to your safety.

-Art and character theft is not accepted here. If you are caught stealing from others, you will be in trouble.

-We value respect here; blackmail, harassments, impersonations, insulting, etc. and any other form of bullying isn't allowed. If you have prior issues with another member, we can't stop you - but we do ask that you don't go out of your way to cause problems over it.

-If you encounter anything that breaks community rules, especially if you believe it may put you at risk or is making you uncomfortable, please contact an admin and give as many details as you can on the issue. We'll do our best to resolve it calmly and quietly for you.

-Please refrain from mini-modding - we have official moderators and administrators, so please redirect questions to our team for answers! There are channels for suggestions and questions for everyone to use, too!

~Failure to follow the rules will result in you getting a warning, and if you continue to break them you will get a strike. Three strikes and you'll be either temporarily banned or blacklisted and blocked depending on the case. More severe issues such as aggressive bullying/blackmail, using Boba Dragons in hate art, nsfw or fetishes, or making scam attempts will be an instant ban.~

-If you encounter what you feel is unfair treatment, or believe you or someone else in the server is at risk, dm a mod or admin as soon as you can - if nobody seems to be available and you need immediate action, you can request a designer to lock an offender's access to the server or even kick them until a mod can intervene.
Note for all members: It's important that if you encounter anything suspicious, especially from mods, let an admin know immediately.

If you find yourself banned from the community, any unused MYO slots you owned will be confiscated and dragons will be put in limbo. You will be contacted by an admin on the matter, and you may ask for a reconsideration if you feel you were unjustly banned.
If your ban is repealed, you will receive all your masterlist slots and dragons again after reviewing. If not, we will discuss whether or not your dragons will be voided, or returned and given away alongside any unused MYO slots within the community.
Unless you are considered a real and active danger at a given time, we do not ban without warning, and will always follow up a ban by contacting you with the reason and trying to understand what was going on. If you feel unfairly treated by your contact, do not get a contact follow-up, or find yourself randomly banned, please contact Wulfenite. Moderator abuse will not be tolerated; all reports are supposed to be sent to the species owner - if your case is mishandled or given no information, it likely wasn't authorised or known about in the first place.

If you find yourself in this position however, please do not attempt to cause drama! It is best that all sides involved stay calm and polite so that a conclusion may be reached, and getting riled up will not help your case!

Community Rules
1. No hateful content. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other such subjects or harmful commentaries are unacceptable.

2. Safety. World of Icarusian and its server does not support or allow the support of anti-abortion, child groomers, zoophiles, stalking either on social media or offline, or any other behaviour that may put lives at risk.

3. Be respectful! Not everyone will get along or agree - if no harm is being done, please refrain from starting fights.

4. Fetishes and sexual or suggestively sexual content is prohibited. This species and all related sites and servers is a SFW community - please do not post explicit content around these spaces, or sexualise any of the species included. Unwelcomed DMs to our members including this content should also be reported. Don't be a creep, especially to minors, you will get kicked out for it.

5. Gore is acceptable as long as it is spoilered and tagged appropriately. Flashing lights, fast-paced animations, and extreme eyebleed or eyestrain should also be spoilered and tagged as well.

6. Do not trace, copy, or use art or characters you don't own. Unless you have permission from the owner/creator or your own personal stuff, it's not yours to use.

7. NO NFTS. World of Icarusian does not and never will support Cryptocurrencies or NFTs. No artwork featuring the species, characters, or world in our community may be used for scams of any kind.

8. Try to keep characters reasonable! It's all well and good to like having the best of the best, but please keep in mind that this is a public community based around set lore.

9. Harassment, bullying, impersonation, and rumour-spreading is prohibited. If you dislike someone here, leave them alone; don't go out of your way to make them miserable.

Design and Species Rules
-The four Icarusian poster species Boba Dragons, Galacais Dragons, Skyden, and Cicorians, are closed species; please do not attempt to create designs from them without permission, or sell offbrands as official. All other fauna found in Icarusian is semi-open however, and can be made as long as you follow the semi-open Icarusian guidelines (soon to be added).

-All four main species are tracked on masterlists - always check the corresponding list to ensure you're buying an official one, and that when selling, the design goes to another member.

-If you plan to leave the community, please contact a mod or admin about what you'd like to do with your species characters. Not notifying us causes hassle in keeping the lists updated, so please take a minute or two to dm one of us!

-For Bobas: When designing, remember! They always need at least one of each basic trait (head, crest, eyes, horns, tongue, talons, wings, tail, boba, magic, lantern). Mutations are not required to pass your design, so don't feel pressured to add anything else as long as you cover the main list.

-Do not use straight black or white on designs. If you cannot see both shadows and highlights on your dragon, then the colour is not valid to use - this species is pretty artwork-heavy, and being unable to probably shade a dragon takes away potential scores.

-To make cs adopts or custom offers if you are not a moderator or designer, please ask one of the aforementioned roles! You will be given a guide on how to get it approved.

Ownership, Resale, and Trading
-Co-owning dragons is allowed as long as you speak to an admin about it first. Both owners should be in the discord, unless there's a particular reason one cannot join.

-If you own a character, please do not claim it to be an NPC or important canon lore character unless you've spoken to and received permission from the species owner.

-As an owner, you are expected to use your dragons in a respectful manner and follow the species ToS.

-There is a trading cooldown of 31 days. This means you cannot sell, trade, or otherwise give away you dragon or MYO slot (exception being if you leave the species or specifically ask an admin and are given approval) until you've owned it for at least 31 days.

-As stated before, to own an Icarusian character you must be in the official server. This is to prevent ban-evading mostly, but also to keep our masterlists easily updated and to help keep owners up to date on important changes that may affect their characters.

-You may sell an Icarusian character on deviantart, discord, or toyhouse - always save your proof when you do so to help avoid scams. Once payment is finished, please post your update in the correct server and have your buyer confirm the transfer there too.

-Please try not to sell your dragon for more than it's worth! We already discourage selling designs for real money - the community's sales/trading are mostly done through art offers, design trades, items, etc., and the species being non-profit means it preferably should not be used to make money. As per the rules, your buyer should be in or joining the server too.

-If you simply want to get rid of your dragon and aren't interested in selling or trading it, please notify an admin or moderator! They will take the design off your hands and look into rehoming it for you.

Roleplay and RP Etiquette
-Icarusian does have a fairly concrete set of base lore and historical characters that we would like to have respected, although apart from that there's not really any limits on what kinds of stories you can make (provided they still follow base guidelines).

-Do not roleplay using characters you don't own, including NPCs, without first getting consent from the owner. Keep in mind if you do, that permission can be withdrawn at any time as well. If you are asked to stop roleplaying as someone's character, you are expected to stop.

-Be respectful of others! You cannot join someone's RP thread without first asking and being accepted, or being invited. Unless your RP buddy is alright with it, you are also not to harm someone else's character or attempt to create relationships outside of previously established boundaries.

-WoI characters you own can be used in whatever you want to use them in, as long as you still follow their species lore and rules of no fetish or nsfw content, hate messages, persecutions, etc.

-In roleplays, please try to avoid making That One Charactertm for everyone's sake. You know the one.
Overpowered, untouchable characters generally don't make for enjoyable RP or writing experiences and do little to make an immersive story in a collaborative setting, so give your dragons some flaws and limits to let them grow within the story you're building!

-When using someone else's dragon with permission, it's suggested that you get a clear outline of its personality and follow the owner's limits and guidelines! Ask if you're not sure of something, and never do large character changes without first getting their approval (eg. relationships, harm or danger, personality change)