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T/W: The subject of cannibalism is very apparent throughout this entire entry. If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free not to read.
Kai'Gata's Cult

The symbol of the cult.

What is the cult?

The cult is a large group of dragons united under their leader, Kai'Gata. It is well known and regarded by the majority of Boba Dragons with fear. Their symbol can be found in many places throughout the world, and every dragon is warned to avoid it and any dragons brandished with it. Its focus point is cannibalism, and the belief that committing such an atrocious act will prohibit the universes from meeting an untimely destruction. The cult continues to grow larger as more and more dragons are converted - thanks to fear, manipulation, being born into it, or any other twisted reason a dragon may have for joining it.

For the most part, dragons are kept unaware of what they are eating; this is how Kai'Gata is successful with brainwashing, as well as keeping dragons from seeking out the meat for themselves. He creates a sense of dependency on him and his supply, holding dragons as close as possible so they are unlikely to separate. Unfortunately, since the cult has gained such a reputation, this makes it harder for Kai'Gata to recruit as he had once been able to.
Those born into the cult are given their marking once they are considered adults. Kai'Gata highly detests the idea of branding them before they are old enough - as the mark is created with magic, and Kai'Gata has a whole thing against bobalings being in danger - as well as the concept of bringing bobalings back to the hideout before they are ready to leave the nesting grounds. Should this happen, he'll begrudgingly deal with it, but he won't be very happy with the parents... Bobalings are remarkably easy to manipulate, however.

At this point, those that join the cult are predetermined to grow unstable and insane. The effects of cannibalism are very damaging on a Boba Dragon's mental state in particular, driving them over the edge in most cases. Some may be able to resist the degradation, but the vast majority are known to succumb and become very dangerous individuals... hence why avoiding them is encouraged.

Dragons are regularly cut from the cult due to the difficulties of delivering to hundreds of dragons at a time. Being "cut" simply means no longer receiving meat from the Deliverer, though a dragon that is cut is still expected to be eating properly. Those that are not often in the hideout are the most likely to be cut.

How did it start?

It started ages and ages before the present day. Kai'Gata is an Old-World, born in the fourth generation. This was before a Pearlkeeper was assigned to watch over the nesting grounds, and Kai'Gata was stolen before he had a chance to fully develop. This was also during a horrible famine, with very little food for any Boba Dragon to survive off of. Not long after Kai'Gata was kidnapped, his captor died to starvation.
Half starved to death and hallucinating, Kai'Gata had a terrifying "vision" of the universes being destroyed by an unknown deity. When he came to, hungry as ever and faced with his captor's body - he knew what he had to do. He ate what he could, and quickly left the remains.

From then on out, Kai'Gata would track down other dragons. He would wait for an opportunity to smash their lanterns, and then take down whoever he could. After years of this, he decided he needed to spread the word of his visions to other dragons. Others needed to know, if this world was going to remain alive. He created a mask for himself, the one he dons to this day, and began spouting his beliefs to everyone he could. For the longest time, he would also do all the killing - as he thoroughly believes killing is a sin, and those that do such an act will not be saved, but he is willing to be a sacrifice - and delivering of the meat to each dragon.
That changed when he met Manjulius, a dragon willing to do that work for him. Kai'Gata repented for all those he had slaughtered, and swore never to lay a claw on a dragon again.

And now the cult stands. Hundreds to thousands of dragons have been let in and cut over time, and it continues to grow with every passing day. Kai'Gata takes it upon himself to travel, acting like a wandering prophet. Anyone that ends up in his line of sight will be converted, and those who refuse are made into a target.

What are the rules?

Eat the meat, and do not stop eating the meat.
Stopping, or convincing others to stop eating the meat, will both warrant punishment.
Eating anything other than the meat - including mixing other foods in with it - is not allowed.
Every dragon in the cult must have the cult marking branded on their shoulder. Without one, a dragon will not be allowed to enter the hideout for any reason.
Harming fellow cult members with cruel intent - and without a say from Kai'Gata himself - is prohibited. This goes for infighting as well.
Killing (whether a fellow cult member or not) will be heavily punished. The only exceptions to this rule are the Butchers, Manjulius and Berdugo.
Do not steal more than your share of meat from other dragons.
Attacking Kai'Gata or his lantern will not end well.

The Punishment System

Low Tier Punishment: A slap on the wrist, in simple terms. A warning or quick scolding.
How to get this punishment:

Just messing up a hideout rule will get this warning. Adding something to the meat one time, getting into a little scuffle with a fellow member... something harmless and done one time.

Mild Punishment: Getting cut from supply. Getting cut is not often handled as a punishment, however, it is done occasionally as Kai'Gata sees fit.
How to get this punishment:

Repeated use of other foods with the meat.
Stealing meat from other members.
Killing dragons outside of the cult.

High Tier Punishment: Smashing of one's lantern. In these more serious cases, Kai'Gata may decide to destroy the guilty dragon's lantern, leaving them weak and useless. After a lantern is smashed, Kai'Gata keeps one shard and hands the rest to Lopovshki - a lantern collector - so that the lantern cannot be fixed. (If a dragon is wrongly punished, however, Kai'Gata will do what he can to fix the lantern)
This punishment can be combined with being kicked from the hideout and/or cut if the case is bad enough. If the dragon stays within the hideout, by their own volition or not, they are still regularly fed and taken care of despite their act of treachery. These dragons are often deemed as "The Burdens," as they are too weak to do much of anything aside from lay pathetically in their caves.
How to get this punishment:

Repeated fights. If you're the instigator of more than one physical fight in the hideout, you're going to get your lantern smashed. This does not apply if you are the victim in the fight(s).
Attacking Kai'Gata or his lantern.
Killing a fellow cult member (this can also end with the dragon being cut and thrown out, depending on the circumstances.)

Extreme Punishment: Death. Becoming a target to be taken out. This one is very rare, as Kai'Gata doesn't want more dragons dead than need-be.
How to get this punishment:

Pose as a threat to the cult. For example: Having knowledge of where the hideout is, all of its entrances and layers, and then taking off with intent to cut ties with the cult. The possibility of that information being leaked is too risky.
Treason/betraying the cult. Spilling information to someone outside, pretending to eat the meat when in reality you never were, convincing others to stop eating the meat... Kai'Gata sees this as in imbalance in the universe, and the only way to right it would be with the death of the perpetrator.

The Hideout

The hideout is a meeting place for the cult. Its whereabouts are kept purely secret, and only given to other cult members to be found. Kai'Gata has never stated whether or not he considers this to be an "official" cult spot, but he certainly stops by a lot and has made chambers there all for himself, so one can assume that is the case.

The entrance to the hideout is hidden behind a waterfall, and is nestled underneath a cliff ledge, surrounded by large boulders and rocks. Forests surround its general area, and it's held up on a small mountainside, with another cliff protruding not far from the entrance. There are usually guards that watch the entrance, prohibiting the entrance of any dragon without the marking.
The hideout contains one large central room with a sort of podium that Kai'Gata himself will occasionally lay atop of. His chambers, along with a special room for the Butcher-Deliverer Manjulius, are on one side while entrances to the twisting tunnels are deeper in. The hideout is mainly comprised of long-winded caves and tunnel systems, going deep down underneath the surface, with plenty of caves for individual dragons to stay in. Torches light up the rooms, kept aflame likely by fire magic.

(Concepts of the hideout TBA)

How does a dragon join?

Story/lore-wise, a dragon may become part of the cult if approached by Kai'Gata or they find/are brought to the hideout. If the former, Kai'Gata will offer salvation, security, happiness - whatever will get into the mind of the dragon - in order to have them eat the meat. He, personally, will supply it for some time, so to make sure it's being eaten. After he's satisfied, the Deliverer takes over from there. Whether the converted member comes to the hideout or not is up to them.

If you are interested in having your Boba Dragon as a part of the cult, please contact Clam. You are only permitted a small number in the cult at a time, the only exception being through bred bobas born into the cult.

Roles and Members

The prophet himself. Plagued by his "visions" (which in reality are just hallucinogenic breakdowns thanks to ages of cannibalism), he is constantly preaching to his followers and trying to convert more and more dragons. Once considered himself the noble sacrifice when he was the one butcher, but has since then repented.

Deliverer + Butcher(s)
The main deliverer/butcher is Manjulius. He has a long list of targets that he must track down and slaughter, before bringing them back and chopping them to bits for delivery. He then sorts it all, packages it neatly and carries it in a bag to dragons all over the world. He is also unfortunate in the sense that he has to let dragons know when they are cut from supply... something that has warranted many close calls on his life.
There is also a secret butcher, Berdugo. His job is kept secret from the other Butcher, as Manjulius is very protective over his role and feels threatened by any attempts to replace him. Berdugo is mainly sent out to take care of hits that Julie cannot manage on his own - relying more on brute strength in comparison to Julie's more stealthy tactics.

Butchers are considered "noble sacrifices." Since they commit the horrendous act of murder, they will not be spared when the time comes... but they are doing it for the good of the many. This is the only reason Kai'Gata permits them to do as they must.


The guards, very self-explanatory, just watch over the hideout. They are to make sure that no one comes in that doesn't have the mark. A few also might be established inside the hideout that help break up fights if Kai'Gata is not around, in which they are required to report that fight to either Julie or Kai'Gata himself.
Matsura is currently the only developed guard aside from Chenaki, who was formerly a guard before he was unfortunately disposed of.

The Gravedigger

In the hideout, there is an entire cave that has been carved into a makeshift graveyard. Previous members of the cult that have passed are buried here - whether or not they were still loyal to the cult in the end. That, or a gravestone will be put up in their honor if the body is no longer obtainable (which, 90% of the time, it is not. Most corpses are eaten before they can be buried).
The gravedigger, Ilumikavo, watches over the graveyard. He sets up gravestones, buries bodies, and protects this area with his life. He respects the dead more than he respects the living, and has strict rules over when dragons can come in to visit graves. He's also completely delusional by this point, but that's another story.

Current Followers

This includes all dragons that are currently part of the cult. Whether they are in it because they fully believe in its cause, or purely out of fear, they're stuck here now. This will be updated regularly. Please ask before adding your dragon to the cult.
Sritcher, Kai'Gata, Frill, Zorstki, Manjulius, Maramizori, Matsura, Lopovshki, Pepper, Karumon, Mudakohu, Kiburitau, Devotis, Yamza, Berdugo, Civrus, Prevara, Mai-zaki, Rak, Ilumikavo, Vapaa, Zuzard, Mikisahka, Horora, Svikari, Faraja, Sinistro, Kamahix, Kiravunin, Malum, Naaqic, Forunus, Stwerry, Suncup, Sluun

The Burdens: Dragons with smashed lanterns that remain in the hideout.

Former Followers

Dragons that were cut... or dragons that unfortunately met their demise while a part of this dreadful place.
Alastor, Rasputiki, Chenaki, Patopatunga, Anthea, Kalxataivoitre, Carrion, Dessveri, Nevalstrum, Nevoarukas, Pepetsira, Pokasiri, Fidele, Hikari, Fenrir, Ienovry, Fenrir, Vizin, Vulpes, Impael